Nicole and Adam | Evansville Indiana Wedding Photographer

When Nicole and Adam contacted me about taking their wedding portraits, I was so excited! They have been together for about nine years, and decided it was probably time they got married! So, they got all dressed up, ordered a bouquet, bought rings, and headed to the courthouse! Nicole told me during our shoot that they were surprised at how casual the whole experience was- their minister was wearing jeans-  but they wouldn't change it for the world. I love that a wedding for them was something that was personal, private, and just like their love, simple and classic.

Nicole and Adam are both from Nashville, but decided to call Evansville home about 5 years ago! They are the pet parents of a giant Great Dane, who they say thinks he is a lapdog.

Nicole and Adam, I am so happy I get to be a part of your love story, and that you'll have pictures to commemorate your big day!

Alisha White