Bizzy and Eric | Evansville Indiana Wedding Photographer

The bridesmaids circled around Bizzy drinking mimosas in custom hand painted champagne flutes adorned with their names. They giggled, cheered, and surrounded the bride-to-be with so much love as they prepared for the big day. They all gathered around her as she opened her hand-written note from Eric and Bizzy gushed that his letter was better than hers. No one could have predicted than when Eric opened his letter from Bizzy just an hour later that he would say the exact same thing! Aren't they just too precious for words. It was the absolute perfect beginning to a magical day.

Bizzy and Eric were married at Trinity United Methodist Church surrounded by a huge crew of friends and family!  Bizzy fell in love with the church for it’s gorgeous stained glass windows and traditional feel. Their first look in front of the enormous stained glass window was enchanting, and the love these two have for each other is so special!

When Eric saw Bizzy for the first time, he was completely floored and overcome with emotion. It was the most precious thing ever to see him feel so moved when he saw his bride. Her dress was flawless: lace and fit like a glove! It seemed like it was designed just for her. 

Bizzy and her mom planned all the wedding details together, and it turned out so glamorous! The Evansville Country Club looked like a fairytale. The centerpieces were straight out of our dreams, and the combination of ivory and gold was so elegant. Bizzy and Eric both had the biggest smiles on their faces throughout the entire reception, and it was easy to see how ecstatic they were to be celebrating their union surrounded by their closest friends and family.

Bizzy and Eric, I cannot thank you enough for choosing me as your photographer. I feel truly honored to have played such a special part in your first day as a married couple! I cannot wait for you to see the rest of your stunning photos! The Alisha Sims Photography team is wishing you all the love and happiness in the world.